
Archive for the ‘Queen Titania’s Court’ Category

What’s Happening? Wow it’s 7:30 pm and still light outside. I had put out my geraniums and a few other flowers, and then we were supposed to have frost overnight. Everything made it through okay, though. My peas and potatoes are coming up. I do love this time of year!

What I’m Working On. Still working on The Spirit Binder. Cleodora is investigating the reasons for the drought and hitting dead ends. She’s made a key ally, though.

What’s Next? My short story collection, Aunt Anne’s Archive, is up for pre-orders on e-books only. There’s one more check I want to do before finalizing the paperback. Its official release will be on May 15th. You can get if from Amazon or Books2Read. It’s also time to do my final planning for Queen Titania’s Court, coming in June.

Where I’ll be. MisCon Science Fiction Convention is held in Missoula, MT, on Memorial Day weekend. I’ll be on panels and have a chance to sit at the Spotlight table with my books.

Fun and Games. I’ve been enjoying Stray, where I play as a lost cat having to find my way through a post-collapse sealed city populated by friendly, humanlike robots. And I’m also playing Animal Crossing for the cute, chill vibe.

I hope the longer days are shining some light on your life, too!

Have you read one of my books? Then it would be great for you to leave a review! Meanwhile, if you’d like to learn more about me and my work, check out my website, BlueskyFacebook, Pinterest, or Instagram.

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Queen Titania's Court, Annual Event in June

Yep, I’m still hustling for a few more authors to take part in Queen Titania’s Court. I have the basic spots filled, but it feels thin compared to previous years.

Anyway, if you have a fantasy book to publicize or know someone who does, I’d love it if you shared the details!

Have you read one of my books? Then it would be great for you to leave a review! Meanwhile, if you’d like to learn more about me and my work, check out my website, BlueskyFacebook, Pinterest, or Instagram.

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What’s Happening? Confession time: I’ve been struggling a bit this week. The Hugo Award nominations were announced, and I see so many happy congratulations to the nominees. While I, myself, will never have the honor. I’m not envious, just a sense of being left out. This is part of being an Indy author, and I’m well aware of it. Not sure why it’s bothering me this year.

What I’m Working On. The Spirit Binder travels on to a new location, Willow Shrine. I’m at a point where I need to sketch the area and think about plot turns. Onward!

What’s Next? Most of the layout is done for my next short story collection, Aunt Anne’s Archive. Both ebook and trade paper layouts are mostly finished. I plan to work on that more so I can release it on May 15, just in time for Queen Titania’s Court in June.

Where I’ll be. Speaking of which, I’m recruiting more authors for Queen Titania’s Court for 2024. If you know any fantasy authors, especially independents, feel free to share the link to the details.

Fun and Games. Right now I’m playing Animal Crossing with some upgrades to my village. Dragon Age Inquisition is coming in second because the companion my character wants to romance keeps pushing them away.

Time to get out in the garden and plant my potatoes and early crops like lettuce and peas.

Have you read one of my books? Then it would be great for you to leave a review! Meanwhile, if you’d like to learn more about me and my work, check out my website, BlueskyFacebook, Pinterest, or Instagram.

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Lately I’ve been posting a lot about books that are on special or being re-issued. It’s time to talk about the new things I’m working on.

My current work in progress is The Spirit Binder. Cleodora is a young girl who can see nature spirits. Her land of Tenebira has been suffering a drought for seven years or more. Cleodora has learned that someone offended the spirits and they stopped letting it rain. She’s off to find out what happened and try to fix it.

A trend I’ve noticed in my novels is how often my characters are traveling. I’m kind of proud that she got 30+ chapters in before she had to go anywhere. It’s been slow of late, but I’m still making progress. After I finish this blog I’ll start in on chapter 37, and the story is over 48,000 words. That’s quite a bit longer than I expected. The second draft is likely to see some severe cuts.

My secondary project is Aunt Anne’s Archive, a short story collection that I plan to bring out in early May. That’s the one I showed off a possible cover for last week. I’ve got the stories in their final order. I’ve almost finished the layout in print format, as well. I’m hoping to get that mostly set up by the end of spring break, so I can focus on Queen Titania’s Court and just click “print” when the time comes. We shall see.

Speaking of Queen Titania’s Court, there’s still lots of space for more authors to take part. If you know someone who might be interested, I hope you’ll pass the info on to them.

Have you read one of my books? Then it would be great for you to leave a review! Meanwhile, if you’d like to learn more about me and my work, check out my website, BlueskyFacebook, Pinterest, or Instagram.

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What’s Happening? It’s March, and I’ve started to think about doing yard cleanups, pruning, and so forth. It’s snowing this morning, though, so I don’t have to get right into it. My wildest dream is to get a grape arbor this year. We’ll see if that comes true.

What I’m Working On. Part 2 of The Spirit Binder is done and I’m taking a thinking break before I go on to part three. It’s a complete change of setting and I’m sure there will be parts of it I blog about. It’s about 40,000 words now and I’m getting worried about it going beyond the expected length for a middle grade book. I might have to prune this book pretty hard, eventually.

What’s Next? It took some harping, but I connected with all the authors for the re-issue of Wee Folk and Wise. With their approvals of the final proof, I turned in the master document to Wolfsinger. It may be released as soon as the end of this month, so brace yourself for the announcements.

Where I’ll be. Not exactly a where, but it’s time to start thinking about Queen Titania’s Court for 2024. That means scaring up some authors to participate. If you know any fantasy authors, especially independents, feel free to share the link to the details.

Fun and Games. Right now I’m playing Animal Crossing and replaying Dragon Age Inquisition for about the eighth time. It’s like visiting old friends.

It’s snowing outside, right now. Happy spring?

Have you read one of my books? Then it would be great for you to leave a review! Meanwhile, if you’d like to learn more about me and my work, check out my website, BlueskyFacebook, Pinterest, or Instagram.

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What’s Happening? All my e-books are on sale for 25% off during the month of July, at Smashwords. If you’ve been interested in the Minstrels of Skaythe series or one of my other e-books, now is your chance to check them out. Here’s a link to my full catalog.

And, of course, June was a magical month here at Wyrmflight, with Queen Titania’s Court, my summer fantasy book event. Thanks so much to David Lee Summers, K. M. Warfield, J. C. Simonds, Sanan Kolva, Sheryl Hayes, Janna Ruth, Joyce Reynolds-Ward, Lyndi Alexander — and all of you who read and commented.

What I’m Working On. I’m over the halfway mark in The Tale of the Drakanox third draft revision. I expect to complete the draft in mid-July and hope to publish it in November.

What’s Next? My next publication will be Renegades of Skaythe, a paperback collecting the fourth and fifth Minstrels of Skaythe novellas. Previously they were only available as e-books. I hope to get that out in August.

Fun and Games. As a gift to myself for finishing the 2022-23 school year, I got a new video game. Grow, Song of the Evertree, is about rebuilding a civilization after ecological collapse. You repair the environment and construct towns, catch bugs, fish, and fly around on a fluffy griffinish creature. It’s fairly cartoony, but low tension is what I need right now.

Hope your summer is hot in all the right ways!

Have you read one of my books? Then it would be great for you to leave a review! Meanwhile, if you’d like to learn more about me and my work, check out my website, BlueskyFacebook, Pinterest, or Instagram.

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A wyrmling comes on colorful wings — it’s Orlik, from my very own YA fantasy tale, Masters of Air & Fire!

The wyrmling Orlik glided through the moonlit sky, searching. He was sure he had seen lights flickering and flaring on the other side of the ridge. A new vent must have burst open on Hot Mountain’s side, and he needed to see if it was any danger to his family’s nest. Then he hovered, stunned by the scene before him.

Instead of pine forest, he saw tall white pillars lining the path into a rounded bowl in the mountainside. There was a building of some kind, the sort of thing humans would make, but there was no roof on it. And Orlik wasn’t the only flying creature in the sky. A number of winged beings — birds, and beasts that mingled bird with beasts, even humans with wings, all flitted down toward the light.

Every impulse said that Orlik should dive on them, roaring defiance. Hot Mountain was his family’s territory, and these were intruders! Yet he was also certain that none of this had been here the day before. Something strange was happening. He needed to investigate.

Gliding down, the wyrmling saw that the floor of the hall was soft with grass. Vines with dazzling flowers grew up the sides. Orlik lit on one of the pillars. Soaring music drifted up to him. A marvelous assortment of people danced in the center of the hall. Tables loaded with food were set up along one side. A clear fountain splashed with something that looked like water but didn’t smell like it.

At the end of the hall was a platform draped with shimmering gauze. A human woman sat in a tall chair. Light sparkled from her, as if she was the moon and stars coming down to earth. Someone had come up to the platform to greet her, but when they walked away, the beautiful lady looked right up at Orlik. Even from so far away, he could hear her gentle voice.

“Come in, dragon child. Be welcome here. Pray, approach. I would love a better look at your marvelous wings.”

Character Questions

What do you do for fun? Wyrmlings tussle all the time. We wrestle each other, bat with our wings, and slap with our tails. We also practice stalking and pouncing. Once we grow up, we’ll have to hunt and fight for territory. It’s good practice, and it’s fun!

Are there non-human races in your land? Do the races get along? Yes, there are humans in addition to wyrms. Humans are small in comparison to wyrms, but they are clever and their weapons should not be overlooked. They would take our territory if we let them, so we chase them away whenever they get too close to the mountain peaks.

Author Questions

If you could move to the world of your story, would you do it? That’s a hard choice! The wyrmlings live in an undeveloped wilderness, on the slopes of a volcano. It would be beautiful there, but I probably would stay put. I like having sturdy houses, indoor plumbing, and other civilized comforts.

Talking animals, yes or no? Honestly, I don’t like talking animals. Or at least, not the way a lot of writers handle them. I love my pets, but animals shouldn’t have humanlike intelligence without a reason. If they’re explicitly stated to have a mental bond, or be spirit guides, or such like that, I would feel differently. In the case of Masters of Air & Fire, it’s clear from the outset that the wyrms are intelligent and self-willed, even if their priorities aren’t the same as humans.

Masters of Air & Fire

Three young wyrmlings lived on the green slopes of Hot Mountain. Then their peaceful world was shattered by the eruption of their volcano home. Now they must struggle to survive in a world dominated by beings alien to them: humans.

Get it from Amazon or Books2Read.

Lucy D. Ford

Lucy D. Ford has been a writer all her life, but thought of it as just a fun hobby until the late 1990s. She made her first sale, a children’s poem, in 2000. Since then her poetry and short stories have appeared in magazines such as Boys’ Life, Ladybug Magazine and Babybug Magazine. She is a past Regional advisor for the Inland Northwest Region of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, International (SCBWI).

In addition, she has published her fantasy novels through small presses and as an independent author. Her current project is a high fantasy novella series, The Minstrels of Skaythe.

Learn more from her web site, www.debyfredericks.com

Have you read one of my books? Then it would be great for you to leave a review! Meanwhile, if you’d like to learn more about me and my work, check out my website, BlueskyFacebook, Pinterest, or Instagram.

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Lane Donatelli is with us today, a human among elves in Lyndi Alexander’s Urban Fantasy series, Clan Elves of the Bitterroot.

Lane Donatelli lumbered down the stairs into the ballroom, stopping at the landing to check out where the buffet table was set. His elf friend Daven had attended previously, and assured Lane he’d do fine, but this was not Lane’s element. He preferred hiding in the cave he’d built from cardboard boxes, using his double-screened computer set-up to conduct video game campaigns. His dress pants were uncomfortable and his jacket a little too tight. He sighed. “Much too people-y here. They’d better have good sandwiches.”

Character Questions

Are there non-human races in your land? Do the races get along? There are elves, a whole bunch of them, who live in the forests right outside Missoula, Montana. I never knew they were there, and most of the locals don’t. My friend Jelani turned out to be related to one of them, and then all our lives got turned upside down.

Do you have any special powers or abilities? I can make hundreds of cupcakes disappear (gestures to expanding waistline).

Author Questions

What publishing format/processes have you chosen, and why? All my books have been accepted and published through publishing houses, from small press up through mid-size. I admire those who can do it all, but I’m not interested in making covers and setting type, etc. I’ll let the professionals handle it.

Have you ever had a writing mentor? I belong to a fabulous critique group in Pennsylvania, The Fellowship of the Quill, that I lost when I moved to Asheville, but then when COVID came, I was able to reconnect with through the magic of ZOOM. These folk have helped me through a dozen or more novels. It’s a group with diverse experience, so everyone contributes from their own expertise.

The Elf Child (Clan Elves of the Bitterroot #2)

The moment Astan Hawk accepts his clan’s challenge to protect the young Elf Queen Jelani, trouble dogs his heels. Jelani’s human upbringing clashes with clan tradition, spurring dangerous intrigues within the Circle of Elders. Soon even the motives of Astan’s father, Daven, come into question. With nowhere else to turn within the clan, Astan has no choice but to ask Jelani’s human friends for help. Then his problems really begin. Paranoid hermit Crispy, empathetic social worker Iris, and computer whiz Lane complicate Jelani’s unexpected pregnancy and the young queen’s attempts to rule her people. And hiding in shadows, outcast Grigor Biren plots revenge for the loss of his mentor by seeking the help of powerful elf mages who live deep within the forest. Can Astan fulfill his promise to keep Jelani safe when the whole world seems to have turned against them?

Get it here!

Lyndi Alexander

Lyndi Alexander dreamed for many years of being a spaceship captain, but settled instead for inspired excursions into fictional places with fascinating companions from her imagination that she likes to share with others. She has been a published writer for over thirty years, including seven years as a reporter and editor at a newspaper in Homestead, Florida. Her list of publications is eclectic, from science fiction to romance to horror, from tech reporting to television reviews. She’s a single mother of seven with two children on the autism spectrum, a quilter, a gardener, and woman of all trades. When she has time, she blogs on a variety of subjects, including autism, science fiction and life at http://awalkabout.wordpress.com

Have you read one of my books? Then it would be great for you to leave a review! Meanwhile, if you’d like to learn more about me and my work, check out my website, BlueskyFacebook, Pinterest, or Instagram.

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Today we get to meet Yesenia Cruz, from Joyce Reynolds-Ward’s contemporary fantasy, “Becoming Solo.” It’s the starter for her Bright Star Fair Witches series.

The invitation to Queen Titania’s Ball tingled in Yesenia’s hand as she entered the Grand Ballroom. This wasn’t the sort of event she sparkled at. But Bright Star Fair was threatened with the prospect of becoming a Lost Fair, and the other Fair Crowns in her recently created Solo Knot—Shadow the Question and Kirsten Rogers—insisted that Yesenia try to find a potential alliance. The haunted look in Shadow’s eyes, she who had experienced a Lost Fair, was enough to convince Yesenia. They needed help against the forces raised against them, especially the Pale Wraith and the Red Horseman. Even the Bright Star Fair daemon thought it was a good idea for Yesenia to honor this invitation, and Yesenia would not go against the recommendation of her Fair daemon.

Character Questions

What is the balance of science vs magic in your land? Magic and science hold an uneasy truce. The two can collaborate, but only if practitioners of one or the other do not turn upon the other. Science was used against witches until the creation of the Magic Fairs as a means of stabilizing and managing magical powers. The additional development of family spell matrices to create magic tools that could be used by any person, not just a witch, provided sufficient control of wild magic while augmenting scientific development, along with the rule that witches must lose their magic at age twenty-one unless they are associated with a family spell matrix or become certified Solo practitioners. Still, there are those who would destroy the Fairs. Some want magic to run wild again. Others want the eradication of all magic.

What is your greatest fear? My greatest fear is that Bright Star Magic Fair will become a Lost Fair, and that I will either lose all of my magic or else become possessed by a destructive force such as the Pale Wraith, who has already consumed my aunt Marisol. I will do my best to resist!

Author Questions

What was the inspiration for this series? Becoming Solo is loosely inspired by my experiences as a 4H leader. My county’s Fair was canceled along with the 4H program when my son was in his high school years, and I formed a community club to take in members who wanted to participate in a neighboring county’s fair. One of my members swooped in and ended up winning multiple clothing awards, including Style Revue.

Talking animals, yes or no? I don’t have talking animals in this story but I have them in others, if the story requires it. That said, I don’t define “talking” as words, in particular, because animals, especially our animal companions, will speak to us using non-verbal communication.

Becoming Solo

Yesenia Cruz is ambitious. She wants to become a Solo witch, one who doesn’t need to renounce her powers at age twenty-one unless she becomes part of a protective family spell matrix. She has plans with her best friend, Kirsten Rogers, to open a boutique selling magic-spelled goods to the non-magical.

But. In order to become Solo, Yesenia needs to win the Bright Star Magic Fair crown for a third year. She can’t afford the academy that will qualify her to become Solo. Her family wants her to give up her dreams of becoming Solo, marry Saul Ramos and become part of the Cruz family spell matrix.

And a strange new witch, Shadow the Question, from a Lost Fair, is a potential challenger—even as Yesenia and Kirsten become aware of a new threat to Bright Star Fair. They have to draw on Shadow’s knowledge to save Bright Star—but is Shadow’s knowledge sufficient? Can these three witches save the Fair? For if Bright Star fails—then all magic fails. Eventually.

Purchase it! Amazon, Apple, Barnes and Noble, Bookshop, Kobo, Smashwords

Joyce Reynolds-Ward

Joyce Reynolds-Ward has been called “the best writer I’ve never heard of” by one reviewer. Her work includes themes of high-stakes family and political conflict, digital sentience, personal agency and control, realistic strong women, and (whenever possible) horses, frequently in Pacific Northwest settings. She enjoys mixing up science fiction and fantasy with western themes and stories, as well as romance

She is the author of The Netwalk Sequence series, the Goddess’s Honor series, The Martiniere Legacy series, The People of the Martiniere Legacy series, and The Martiniere Multiverse series as well as standalones Beating the Apocalypse, Klone’s Stronghold and Alien Savvy.

Samples of her Martiniere short stories/novel in progress and her nonfiction can be found on Substack at either Speculations from the Wide Open Spaces (writing), Speculations on Politics and Political History (politics), or Martiniere Stories (fiction).

Joyce is a Self-Published Fantasy Blog Off Semifinalist, a Writers of the Future SemiFinalist, and an Anthology Builder Finalist. She is the Secretary of the Northwest Independent Writers Association, a member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association, and a member of Soroptimists International.

Find out more at her website. Joyce is @JoyceReynoldsW1 on Twitter, jreynoldsward on Tumblr, joycereynoldsward on Counter.Social, and jreynoldsward on Dreamwidth

Have you read one of my books? Then it would be great for you to leave a review! Meanwhile, if you’d like to learn more about me and my work, check out my website, BlueskyFacebook, Pinterest, or Instagram.

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From the dark catacombs of Paris, please welcome Alix from Janna Ruth’s urban fantasy, Ghosts of the Catacombs. The book releases in September, but pre-orders are available now.

The ceiling was getting lower and lower the further Alix got in the corridor. No ghosts swirled around her, which was a first in the catacombs. Usually, the dark, damp rooms were packed with them, but here, they seemed to have fled.

An earthy smell arose, somehow fresh and fragrant compared to the usually musty air. Though the walls seemed to close in on her, there was a draft ahead. Could it be an exit? She’d been lost here for so long.

Alix ducked, then bent, and at last, crawled on all fours to keep going. By now she knew that a tight space didn’t necessarily mean the end of her journey, but the feeling of the walls pressing against her body never got easier to endure. Still, the fresh air, now pungent with the smell of flowers kept her going.

There – a small square of dark sky. Alix checked her watch. Midnight. She could’ve sworn it was earlier in the day, but there was no mistaking the stars.

A hole to the outside! Alix had to lie down and pull herself forward by her fingertips to reach the square. Just as she thought, she was well and truly stuck, her fingers grabbed the cool end of the corridor, and she tumbled out of the hole and onto a soft meadow.

Stunned, Alix stared up at the most mesmerising starry sky. The scent of flowers enveloped her and there was food! She brushed off the dirt of the catacombs and took a look around. Wherever she was, it was not Paris. In fact, she wasn’t even sure, she was still on Earth…

Character Question

Do you have any special powers or abilities? How did you get them? I can see ghosts. They appear to me as real as a person in the flesh. I can talk to them, even touch them, which… has lead to some very awkward occurrences, because normal people can’t see ghosts. As to where I got them from. I don’t know. I just realised when I was seven that ghosts existed. And since then, I’ve met them everywhere. I’d even say, I’m friends with some of the more famous one, like Victor Hugo or Marie Curie.

Author Question

Is history a big part of your stories? In this series, it’s a very big part. The series is set in Paris and plays with the many famous people who are buried in the city, from the Great People of France at the Pantheon, kings and queens to celebrities like Jim Morrison on the famous Père Lachaise cemetery. Hence, real world history plays a huge role in who these people are and what they might want from Alix.

Ghosts of the Catacombs

I’m a ghost whisperer, not a catacomb crawler. But when you live in Paris, sometimes you end up being both.

Hi, I’m Alix. During the day, I’m a history student at the time-honoured Sorbonne University. After class, I hang out with the ghosts of the revolution, the many undead misunderstood Parisian artists, and adventurous scientists that glow in the dark. None of them are alive, but they come to me to solve their problems with the living.

When a recently deceased catacomb tour guide asks me to retrieve a mysterious personal item from the underground, things take a turn for the weird. Suddenly, I find myself in a city of ghosts, hunted by murderous cave crawlers, and stumbling across haunting secrets.

If I’m not careful now, I might end up a ghost myself.

Urban Fantasy with a French twist. If you like cave-crawling adventures, hopeless romantics, and ghosts, you’ll enjoy Ghosts of the Catacomb, the first instalment of the Parisian Ghosts series. Travel to Paris today to embark on your catacomb adventure.

Janna Ruth

Once upon a time, Janna Ruth studied the plate boundaries of this world. Now, she’s creating her own worlds. Her books take you across Europe in breath-taking adventures with enchanting characters.

Born in Berlin, Germany, Janna currently lives in Wellington, New Zealand where she writes and publishes predominantly fantasy novels in both English and German. She has been nominated for multiple awards and is the winner of the 2018 SERAPH Phantastikpreis and the 2022 Skoutz Award for Science Fiction.

When she’s not writing, Janna has a plethora of hobbies, such as aerial acrobatics, cake decorating, drawing, reading, and anything crafty you throw her way.

Learn more on her website or on Facebook.

Have you read one of my books? Then it would be great for you to leave a review! Meanwhile, if you’d like to learn more about me and my work, check out my website, BlueskyFacebook, Pinterest, or Instagram.

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